Women's Gut Guide


What is Perimenopause?

The transition to menopause, often featuring irregular menstrual cycles that can last from 1 to 10 years. The frequency and length of periods might change and the flow may be heavier or lighter.

The Science

Did you know as women age, their bodies’ responses to food change. Younger women usually have milder spikes in blood sugar levels after eating, but as they get older, these spikes become more noticeable, often causing fatigue and hunger soon after meals. Over time, higher blood sugar levels can increase the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. Blood fat levels also rise with age, and some research suggests that women’s fat metabolism changes during perimenopause.

Understand Hormonal Changes

Reproductive hormones like oestrogen and progesterone fluctuate. After the final period, oestrogen levels settle at a lower level, and the body stops producing progesterone altogether. Symptoms typically begin for women in their 40s, varying widely in timing, length, and intensity.

Health Risks and Changes

Perimenopause, combined with the effects of aging, may increase the risk of several health conditions including osteoporosis, heart disease, depression, and obesity. Hormonal changes can lead to gastrointestinal issues such as bloating.

According to the NHS, 13 million women in the UK are peri- or menopausal. That’s a third of the female population!

Tips from Dr Naomi Potter


The Hormone Doctor

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